My Musings

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Saturday, 21 April 2012

The Boss of Dry Jokes.

Hello there, how did your day go today? Hopefully not half as crappy as mine because mine has been one long ,long ,long, long, (did I say LONG) drag!
Anyway, I was wondering how it is that we absolutely have to laugh at the boss’ jokes even when they are drier than the Sahara desert  and what’s funny is how quickly the straight faces come back in once the boss turns his/her back! That indeed is when I get my good laugh. The dramatic switch from "fainting from laughter" to "can't even be bothered" is always comic.
A senior manager walked into the office today and as is the norm for him, he tried to be funny and cracked a painfully dry joke; one we all knew was just terrible. Yet, everyone laughed so hard, some managed to produce a few tears of “joy” when what they are most likely thinking was “please go let us work jor before I beat you over the head with my keyboard”. (ok, maybe not that violent but close). Well, I did crack…my face did from trying so hard to join the laughter. Is it possible for any one so dry to actually believe they are even remotely close to being funny? I mean, they have to know in their hearts that they are dry, right?  It beats me!
Truth be told, I do know why we laugh. It’s so we get or remain in their good graces; laying the ground work that promotion or for that bonus or just so they don’t go out of their way to frustrate us at work for the rest of our stay there. But then, some of us laugh too much!  A seriously high level of eye service.  Whatever the reason hard we laugh, I have to say it’s a huge pain- one we have to bear so long as we have dry bosses. *brushes off a tear*


Anonymous said...

"some managed to produce a few tears of “joy” when what they are most likely thinking was “please go let us work jor before I beat you over the head with my keyboard..."

That was really funny. I thought about this a lot back when I had a day job. Sometimes there's just one person faking laughter and everybody else is laughing at the person laughing. Fun, fun, fun...

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