Good morning dear people. Here I am again, after months of being AWOL on here. Truly, I have been as busy as they come and for the life of me, I have not been able to type a line. But enough of my excuses. Even I know they are as watery as badly made akamu.
As I say to nearly everyone who speaks to me for more than 10 consecutive minutes, I have a wonderful baby sister. She's young, intelligent and wise beyond her years. Indeed, she's the only one who manages to completely, entirely, absolutely blow my mind...literally. While I was home yesterday, grumbling about the dishes that needed to be done after a long work day, she sent me a mail with a quirky, compelling little piece she wrote. I love it and I hope you will too. Here it goes:
There are many things I know
Even more that I do not know
Some I think I know
Others I know I know
Because theres so much to know
And so little I know
But yet so much I think I know
I know my quest for knowledge has only begun
You see...the thing about knowing
And knowing that you know
Is that you know you are close to priceless
Close to knowing what exactly the world is about
I mean...more than half the world still doesnt know what its about
Knowing that makes me sad
Knowing that I'm sad makes my mother sad
Im not sure who but knowing my mother is sad definitely makes
someone else sad
I know that we can stop this chain of sadness
This chain our not knowing has created
Only deciding to know can begin to stop it
Stop what exactly....I do not know
But I know if we knew as much as we should
There would be no bombings
No unecessary evil
No hate
But we do not know
We do not know and we suffer for not knowing
We should know
You should know that we should know.