My Musings

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Thursday, 18 August 2011

Disney Lied !!!

Fairy tales are one of my favourite things to watch. I have seen a countless number of them,  from Cinderella to Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Enchanted, Pocahontas,The Little Mermaid...Oh love, cherish me!!!
There's a common end to all these tales -A happy ending! Happily ever after! When I watch them,it reaffirms my belief in romance and true love and happiness and peace and goodness and....*pheeeww*  But then,I turn off my TV and reality hits (again).

Why is the reality of romance not nearly as glorious as what Disney has got us believing ? I think Disney lied! I don't see that many Jasmines and Aladdins taking their carpets for spins over 3rd Mainland Bridge, nor do I see Prince Philip slaying the dragon to lovingly rouse Princess Aurora from her hundred-year slumber. Shall I blame this on the presence of Maleficient the witch? I think not.

The girls are always perfect; dainty ,soft-spoken beauties with clear skin. Not even one pimple! Ah!! That is just serious "ojoro" !They get their charming, handsome,rich, loving, caring princes. Even the Beast ,despite being a beast, was very wealthy and he didn't stay a beast! He got very handsome after dear Belle wept all over him (*rolling eyes* don't I just wish it were that easy. I have a store of tears-salty and sugary too. All I need now is some magic)!

Find me a magic wand and a couple of fairies!!!

Monday, 8 August 2011


Today, I got a call  from one of my BFFs and we spoke at length about everything from guys,to family , to jobs, to marriage...even other friends! Each topic in itself is inexhaustible as while you are trying to understand one and deal with it, the other is sitting on your back awaiting its turn to cause you headache! Assuming you are lucky enough to not have them all sitting on your head at the same time o.

I concluded that I have got to find some wise old wizard to cast a spell on me that I may return to being 5 years old again (blame this on season 1 of LEGEND OF THE SEEKER and 3 of MERLIN). But really, I think life was much easier way back when my most important worries were what my mum would make for dinner, what cartoon I liked best, how to get the bigger portion of the meat when I shared with my sister!  Not how to pay bills, handle a difficult boss, find "Mr Right"! *sigh* oh what I wouldn't give to be just that age again.

I want to dance naked in the rain again!! Play with dolls and stuff grass in their open,plastic mouths, quarrel with a classmate and be over it seconds! I want to buy lolli, and baba dudu, and "ice cream". I want to play "mummy and daddy" (innocently ooooo!!), play suwe and 10 10, tinko tinko and mr macaroni .I want to make babies from sheets from my 2A and 2D notebooks! be 5 again...The simplicity we probably all took for granted because we didn't understand that we'd wish for those days again. I love my life but to be a child again,even for one day, I'd dash you my bb and laptop sef!