My Musings

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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Labour Vs Miracles

Hello dolls. I’m sorry I have not been here in a while. Been rather busy. Ok, I lied. Partially. I have not had too much to say of late. I think my mind was overloaded and had to reboot. Anyway, here I am again. I recently had the privilege of listening to a powerful speaker talk about labor and the dignity to be found in it and after some minutes of listening to him, he had reaffirmed what I already knew – WORK FOR WHAT YOU WANT!  (It did not hurt in the least to be reminded of this though).
Well, it got me thinking again of how many of us hope for “miracles” to happen in our lives while warm our benches. Life doesn’t work like that, I have come to realize. One has got to get up and do something about his or her life to make it how they want it be. In earnest, it’s a daunting task; what with all the “negative forces” all over the place. “Negative forces” here could be the socio-economic climate, political, emotional, mental, physical or spiritual state. It could be anything that stands in the way of what you want! It’s left for you to get up and move and if these forces succeed in knocking you down a time or ten, you have got to get back up and keep going!! That’s the sure fire way to get what you want. This I know from experience.
Twiddling your thumbs and waiting for miracles does not fetch you those miracles. Doing something that is in line with the miracles you want is the first and most critical step towards getting it. We all have varying wants and needs. They do not necessarily have to be financial- they could be physical, emotional or any other “al” possible, but you have to up and do something about it first and then God will make those miracles happen for you.
PS. Even I know that most things are easier said than done, this one included (the voice of experience again), but the alternative is no alternative at all, if you ask me.
We’ve got to make things happen for ourselves now!

